Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Start

Well let me start off by saying that I don't expect many people to actually read this but if you do then I hope you find it insightful.

Let me start off by telling everyone a little about my situation (I am trying to keep in somewhat vague as I really don't want my identity known). I just moved to Marion a short while ago for my job and I am feel fairly isolated here.

You may ask why I feel lonely and I'll tell you that as I get older I realize I HATE living by myself, and that I really need to find a girlfriend. The problem is that there is really nothing to do in this town if you don't like the outdoors and can't stand church. Don't get me wrong, if church is your thing than more power to you but for me it holds zero attraction.

Anyhow if you feel the need or would want to please reply and let me know what there is to do in this neck of the country.

Since I've gotten that out of the way let me just say that I look forward to putting together an interesting and insightful blog for about the two or three people who actually read it.

Now I'm off to watch the upcoming boring Super Bowl so I'll be writing in the future. Also before I go I tend to ramble so don't let that dissuade you from reading or writing to let me know not to ramble.

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